How I can help

The MTHS Band Booster Club (BBC), a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization consisting of volunteer parents, supports the MTHS band and color guard program by providing financial and logistical assistance by hosting various fundraising events and requesting donations from community members.

Support the MTHS band and color guard program by participating at any or all of MTHS BBC’s 2024 planned fundraising events. 

Got questions? Contact

  • Join the Band Boosters on the Band App for more information on upcoming events!


MTHS Band Booster CLUB MEeting Minutes

Zoom Meeting Link Next meeting: POSTPONED
If you were unable to attend any of the booster meetings, below are links to the band booster meeting minutes on days you might’ve missed.


THank you to our sponsors and donors

We thank these companies and people for their support! Your contribution will help the MTHS Band continue its successful program by offsetting expenses for musical instruments, uniforms, instruction, transportation, and other costs necessary to fuel the program.