About the Program
The music program at Monterey Trail High School forms a vital and important part of the total high school environment. The music groups represent a large, colorful, visible and highly disciplined segment of the school. The performance of instrumental groups at sporting events, concerts, festivals, parades, as well as other community events, adds a great deal of color and life to the Monterey Trail High School community.
The Mustang Band Program, as part of the Visual and Performing Arts Department at Monterey Trail High School, has as its primary mission to promote and sustain the development of students' interests in performing music. It is our goal to provide a program that fosters the growth of well-rounded musicians who, upon completion of the four-year program, are prepared to continue their music education at the post-secondary level.
Our classes
Symphonic Band
This group is by audition only and is an advanced ensemble for students with greater command of their instruments and understanding of ensemble skills. Members perform at concerts, festivals, commencement and other community and school events.
The Marching Mustangs
This group is made up of all members of the concert and symphonic band including color guard and performs at all home football games and basketball games, and other community functions such as parades.
Concert Band
This group is open to all members of the Monterey Trail community capable of playing an instrument within the band setting, with approval of the director. Members perform at concerts, festivals, commencement and other community and school events.
Jazz Ensemble
This group is by audition only and is comprised of the best players from the band program. Members perform at concerts, festivals and other community and school events.
AP Music Theory
An advanced, college level course of study designed to develop the students' ability to read and write four-part music. This academic, non-performing course introduces and develops the students' understanding of scales, intervals, chords, harmonic function, melody and musical forms. Additionally, ear training, sight-singing, and dictation skills are also developed. Students will practice constructing melodies and writing in four-parts. At the conclusion of this course, students have the option to take the AP Music Theory exam for college credit.
Band Director: Aaron Smith